Exhibitions / The Wave

01.08.2014 to 24.08.2014


images courtesy Cat Wilson


The Wave


installation view, Counihan Gallery In Brunswick, August 2014


The Wave considers the hardship and perils of asylum seekers from leving behind loved ones to landing in an unfamiliar place with all the terrors and uncertainties in between and beyond.The installation is an invitation to reflect on the privileged position of peacetime and prosperity and the precarious lot of refugees with the added complications of governmant policy and popular media messages.

Using found objects, recycled materials and fallen native timbers,The Wave examines the complex emotions on both sides of the asylum seeker debate. From general observations to profound personal accounts, this multi layered installation focuses upon aspirations common to all cultures and human need;the wish to belong to a place and the desire in times of crisis to a safe haven.


artist talk


The wave installation view



A memorial to the beginning of an unknown end- detail


installation detail




the wave- view of the bow

Liz walker 2



Liz Walker_Breathless_1


Liz Walker_Breathless_2

Breathless detail


Liz Walker_The_wave_to_have_and_to_hold To have and to hold

- this piece raised $478 for the ASRC  Winter Appeal The_wave_close_up_Liz_Walker_1

invitation image